If you bought something from Amazon this holiday season, watch out!

Well, isn't this just peachy.  Maybe I should stop asking if 2016 can get any worse!  I know you probably did some online shopping.  Heck, I did.  I bought a few things from a few different companies, and yes, they included Amazon.  Well, now you've got something else to worry about in the form of a scam.

You’re going to get an email “from Amazon” and it’s going to say “your order cannot be shipped” and to continue you will have to confirm your information–this is where the scam begins. According to the Better Business Bureau:

The landing page looks really good. It could easily fool you. The page wants your full name and address. But worse, it wants your credit card information including your CVV, your three digit security code on the back.

The scammers are so good, the next page is the real Amazon.com. So, you need to know the tip-offs:


Subject line: Your Amazon.com order cannot be shipped


Check the sender’s name. Usually it’s a company versus Amazon.  Never, never, never click the link that is provided in an email. Always go to the website directly.

So there you have it. Thanks again, 2016, you've not only killed off John Glenn, but you've tried to ruin Christmas.  Hopefully this warning caught you before you got scammed.  Be sure to spread the word! Whatever you do, do not click any link in an email like this. And please be careful with this type of scam both in your email and on the telephone! Do not give your information freely to anyone unless you can confirm that you’re speaking with the secure company directly.

Warningly yours,


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