
Which Watermelon to Pick? Maybe This Will Help You Choose!
Which Watermelon to Pick? Maybe This Will Help You Choose!
Which Watermelon to Pick? Maybe This Will Help You Choose!
One of the toughest things in life is choosing vegetables and/or fruits from the store or an area vendor. You know, the ones that are the best of the best. Tomatoes, cantaloupe, watermelon...how's a person to know which one is the best? Well, when it come to watermelon I think I've come up with the answer to that age-old question.
Where Are The Watermelons?
Where Are The Watermelons?
Where Are The Watermelons?
Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed the small watermelons and grapes the stores are stocking now? A few years ago big watermelons and globe grapes were everywhere, as were those big South African black grapes that had such good taste...