What’s it Like to Work at The Fair?
It's a rite of passage!
Boat Crash at Lake of the Ozarks Goes Viral [VIDEO]
Kids, I know a lot of us had some fun over Labor Day weekend. Well, some people just didn’t have a good ol’ time after all.
News from the RV: Show Me Honor Flight
Kids, the other day we were lucky enough to be able to have some veteran volunteers from the Show Me Honor Flight by the RV at the Missouri State Fair.
Dukes and Boots Raises Nearly $4000 for Mark Twain Tenants [PHOTOS]
Kids, this weekend was a busy one. We had two nights out at the Mark Twain Apartments Fundraiser out at Dukes and Boots.
St Paul’s Holds Benefit for Mark Twain Tenants [PHOTOS]
Last night was one of the first benefits for those of us who were displaced by the big fire at the Mark Twain Apartment complex. It was held at the St Paul’s Lutheran Church.
International Students Need Homes in Sedalia
ASSE International Student Exhange Programs in cooperation with the Smith Cotton High School is seeking local families to host boys and girls between the ages of 15 to 18 from a variety of countries around the world.
More Fireworks Scheduled in Mid-Missouri
Kids, we all love the fireworks. And I know they’re coming up soon, if you’re ready. Awhile back we talked about the fireworks displays going on in Sedalia and a little bit around us. Well, we’ve gotten another notice of a great fireworks display!
Potato Day Fundraiser: What’s Your Perfect Baked Potato? [POLL]
Kids, the potato is a very versatile vegetable. There are dozens of ways to prepare said vegetable, and most all of them are tasty deliciousness. The Women of the Moose are doing a potato bar fundraiser for their lodge and all the good work they do for kids. So you can get a little creative with your carbs, and doesn’t the baked potato deserve it? Or really, just the potato in general. You’ve
Donate to the State Fair Food Drive
Kids, we all have that pang every now and then to lend a helping hand. I know a lot of us here in the Sedalia area contribute to charities and church and school groups. I get a lot of community calendar events submitted to me that are just that; people trying to help. So, here’s another way for you to help, and maybe get a little reward for it yourself.
Celebrate Sangerfest This Weekend in Cole Camp
One thing you always hear about in Cole Camp is about the German heritage they have. My family is part German, and it seems like about a third of Cole Camp is related to us in one way or another, either by cousinry or by marriage. So when I saw this event, I thought it was something that the people in Sedalia and the surrounding areas might want a little more information on. It’s called Sangerf