Four Sedalia Firefighters Receive Life-Saving Awards
Four Sedalia firefighters received life-saving citations from Fire Chief Greg Harrell and Deputy Chief Matt Irwin Monday night at the start of a Sedalia City Council meeting.
The four Local 103 members are from the same engine company and include firefighters Cory Rettke, Colby Snapp, Matt Moulton and Alex Razumovsky.
Chief Harrell explained to Council that on June 28 just after 9 p.m. E2-C was dispatched to a report of an eight-month old female not breathing. It was unknown how long the baby was without oxygen.
Firefighter Snapp performed a maneuver to open the airway, while firefighter Moulton suctioned the patient's airway. Firefighter Razumovsky attached the PEDS BVM and prepared to give rescue breaths. As firefighter Moulton prepared to insert an OPA, the patient started breathing and let out a cry, Harrell said.
The E2 crew then administered Blow By oxygen. By then, PCAD arrived so the patient could be transferred to the hospital. Firefighter Moulton carried the infant to the ambulance at the request of PCAD, where E2 crew members assisted PCAD with suctioning and maintaining the baby's airway.
The patient then vomited a large amount of mucus in the ambulance as the crew assisted PCAD with harnessing the patient into a car sear and onto a cot.
Harrell said the SFD personnel performed their duties in the highest tradition of fire service and the Sedalia Fire Department and were therefore awarded a Life Save Award.
The citations for the firefighters (EMTs providing Basic Life Support) were signed by Chief Harrell as well as Sedalia Mayor John Kehde.