Some people get SO Sensitive around this time of year. 

It used to be that you could say whatever you wanted to someone to wish them a happy holiday, and they'd say whatever they wanted back to you. I like saying "Happy Holidays", because I don't like assuming things about people.

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People these days act like if you're not Christian, you're attacking Christmas? I mean, that's not it for me. I don't care if you're celebrating the Winter Solstice, Kwanzaa, Yalda, Hannukah, Bodhi Day, Ashura, Christmas, New Year's or any of the others out there I don't know about. I just want to send you a happy greeting, you know?

I'm not gonna assume you're doing anything, because I haven't walked a mile in your shoes. SO, "Happy Holidays" is good enough for me. And if you want to say "Happy Yalda" back to me, that's fine. But I do have questions for you because I don't know what Zoroastrian religion entails. I know Freddie Mercury was into that, but... anyway.


So if I say "Merry Christmas" to you, and you say "Have a Happy Kwanza" back to me, I won't be mad. Or even annoyed. I'll just smile. I'll say "Thanks" and move on.  Trust me when I say NOBODY WANTS TO HAVE THAT ARGUMENT AT THE CHECKOUT, JANET.

So, in that spirit, here's a song from one of my favorite shows of all time, MST3K.

Admittedly, it's not a serious song.  But the sentiment is real, isn't it?

I don't know about you, but I agree with them. Can't we all just get along?!

Yaldaingly yours,

LOOK: Holiday gift crazes and fads of the past century

Stacker compiled a list of toy crazes from the past 100 years. 

Gallery Credit: Jennnifer Billock

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