Knob Noster Adding Two Police Officers
Mayor Adam Morton says Knob Noster aldermen have acted on an affermative reccomendation of City Manager Luke Lewis and Police Chief Brian Kniskern by approving the addition of two police officers to Knob Noster's Police Department.
The opportunity to hire two officers presented itself when Knob Noster joined Johnson County Central Dispatch this spring. This change freed up money for the department to use for more pressing needs.
One of those needs is adding more officers to the force. Knob Noster currently has seven officers. Officers were working signifcant overtime and there have been many instances where the town only had one officer on duty. The addition of officers will give officers more regular work hours, reduce overtime, and create a safer working environment my making sure a minimium of two officers are on duty at any given time.
I think this is money well spent. One of the things that surprised me when I had an opportunity to explore police work through a police citizens academy was how often officers are own their own, and the types of stresses officers face. More regular hours, back up being close by, and not having to work significant ammounts of overtime will be good for the officers and citizens of Knob Noster.
You can read Mayor Morton's message about the Board of Aldermen's decision on his Facebook page here.
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