New Airline Terminal In Columbia Is Almost Done! Will This Help Travelers?
If you have ever traveled from Columbia Regional Airport, then you know that they have been working on this new terminal for almost a year. They had also been working on some new bridges to help you avoid the elements. You can read that article HERE. But in regards to the terminal itself, it looks like things will be finished "soon".
The embedded tweet above is from KOMU-8 reporter Vasi Prokos. After breaking ground on the terminal in November of last year, the hope was that the terminal would be ready by summer. So there is no grand opening date specifically set, when it does open, there will be an opportunity for the public to tour the public side as well as the air side. You can click HERE for more info.
Obviously once this is complete, it will help travelers in many ways. It is a 52,000 square foot facility, and the customer service aspect of the new terminal will be great for everyone flying into and out of Columbia.
The new terminal will have a service animal relief area, a quiet room, a mothers room and a larger area for passengers. You can click HERE for the website to the airport. If you want to fly to Chicago, or Dallas. Click HERE for a video about the new terminal from COU.
Lets hope everything finishes up soon. I think it could help a lot of people especially as the holidays get closer and more people will want to travel.