Sedalia Area Tourism Commission Conducts Biannual Meeting
Sedalia Area Tourism Commission met Tuesday, April 20 at the Katy Depot, 500 E. Third at 1:15 p.m. in the Upstairs Conference Room.
Notice of the meeting to local media was given in keeping with the Sunshine Law.
In attendance were Chuck Kempton, Erica Eisenmenger, Tom Adermann, Carolyn Crooker and Deb Biermann.
Absent were David Dick and John Kehde.
Minutes of previous meeting held October 7, 2020, the Status Summary dated January 4 2021, and the Summary of Action taken on Liberty Center Request for Funding were approved on motion by Tom Adermann, seconded by Erica Eisenmenger with all in favor. There was a brief discussion regarding future approval by the SATC for funding the building of websites versus approval for funding website marketing.
Copies of 2020 and 2021 Lodgings Tax Report were reviewed. While all payments have not been received for December, the numbers reflect an approximate 34% overall occupancy rate for the year of 2020. This is the first year an overall occupancy rate has been calculated and is based upon motel occupancy numbers provided by the individual motels.
These reports also reflect that four motels are currently delinquent in their payments for December through February. City licenses due in May will be withheld until payments are brought current. Copies of the report are included in the official minutes file.
Copies of the 2020 and 2021 SATC Financial Reports were reviewed. Keeping in mind that all payments have not been received for December 2020, the revenue generated in 2020 is approximately 30% less than the total received in 2019. Explanation was given regarding the Missouri Division of Tourism reimbursements, Cares Act Grant and a Payroll Protection Plan Grant received by the CVB.
In total, the CVB received $197,719.63 which reflects the amount injected for use by the CVB thus saving SATC funds for future use. Those funds began offsetting CVB expenses beginning in December 2020 and monthly thus far in 2021. Currently there is a balance in that account of $93,705.87. The CVB will be working within the same budget approved by the Tourism Commission. Copies of the report are included in the official minutes file.
On motion by Erica Eisenmenger, seconded by Tom Adermann, acceptance of the financial reports were approved with all in favor.
In action taken in January by the City, the County, and the CVB the following were respectfully reappointed to terms as indicated:
John Kende – term to expire 12-31-22
David Dick – term to expire 12-31-22
Chuck Kempton – term to expire 12-31-2023
Appointment of the current slate of officers were approved for the 2021 year on motion by Tom Adermann, seconded by Erica Eisenmenger with all in favor: Chuck Kempton as Chair, David Dick as Vice Chair; and Erica Eisenmenger as Treasurer.
Conversation turned to a special request for funding being submitted in early summer by the CVB for use in creating an overall 3D virtual tour of Sedalia as well as individual 3D virtual tours for Sedalia’s visitor destinations (Missouri State Fair, Bothwell Lodge, Daum Museum, Katy Depot, Historic Downtown Sedalia, Liberty Center).
Kevin Haulotte has made a presentation at a recent meeting of the Tourism Coalition and has begun to meet with individual sites to help develop a comprehensive approach to using this marketing methods to best meet Sedalia’s needs and opportunities. An estimate for preparing a 3D tour of the Katy Depot would be $600 for all three floors as well as minimum on the outside plus $10 per month to host the video. It is expected the special request will be submitted by late June and may total $10,000 to $15,000.
It was noted that funds authorized for use in 2021 to some of the Tourism Coalition members will not be utilized due to continuing concern and implications of covid. Those funds could be redirected for use to the special CVB request. Clarification of CVB ownership of the product will be re
In other business, discussion was given to the impact that draft legislation may have upon local motels.
The next regular meeting is expected in late September.