Sedalia Fire Chief Warns of Illegal Burning
On Monday morning, Sedalia Fire Chief Greg Harrell reminded citizens it is illegal to burn leaves, brush, or trash in the city limits of Sedalia.
“You can obtain a permit from the fire department to burn small limbs, but no trash, building materials or leaves. This is the time of year that people want to burn leaves and that is not permitted inside the city limits of Sedalia. Open burning without a permit can and will result in a citation being issued. If no one is in attendance, a citation will be issued by the city attorney to the property owner and mailed to them,” said Harrell said.
“Additionally, if the fire spreads or causes a secondary fire on another person’s property, you can be held responsible for the damage as well. Burn pits, are allowed in the city, however the fire must be within the device, no large limbs, someone has to be in attendance with the fire at all times, and no trash may be burned,” Chief Harrell noted.
The Sedalia Fire Department appreciates the cooperation and assistance of the citizens of Sedalia with this matter, Chief Harrell concluded.