Sedalia Public Library Stops Charging Late Fees
The Sedalia Public Library, 311 W. 3rd, has announced that starting in January, patrons of the library will no longer be charged fines for late books & DVDs.
Old fines will be forgiven, it was noted. You may bring books back to the library with no penalty.
Check-out times for books & magazines are three weeks, with one renewal. DVDs are two weeks, with no renewals.
The library suggested that if you borrow materials, that you return them on time so that others may enjoy them.
Everyone can obtain a library card. It's free if you live in Sedalia or own property within the city limits; $20 for those who live in Pettis County outside Sedalia city limits; and $25 for those who live outside Pettis County (for the household).
For more information, call Sedalia Public Library at (660) 826-1314 or visit sedalialibrary.com.
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