SFCC’s Bremer Lecture Series Featured Author Congleton
In March, State Fair Community College nursing students and faculty were able to hear a lecture by nurse and author Nancy Congleton from Oklahoma.
The presentation was made possible by the Richard and Leora Bremer Endowed Guest Lectureship in Nursing fund through the SFCC Foundation.
“This year we invited Nancy to come here and speak on a variety of topics including diverse relationships, conflict resolution, professional boundaries, and personal well-being,” said Tara Weber, SFCC Practical Nursing director. “Going from the classroom in to the workplace can be stressful, so to prepare our students for this transition, we asked Nancy to share her experiences as a nurse professional.”
Congleton is the author of Autopsy of the NP: Dissecting the Nursing Profession Piece by Piece that was published in 2018. She holds degrees in nursing, liberal arts and alcohol and drug abuse counseling and has worked more than 15 years as a nurse in areas such as newborn intensive care, emergency and case management.
The Bremers established the lectureship fund in 2011 through the SFCC Foundation to support the college’s Nursing program and to enrich and complement nursing curriculum. The fund allows nursing faculty to select guest lecturers who have expertise in a nursing specialty or sub specialty that is relevant to preparing students for the workplace. Suggested topics may include legal aspects of nursing, nursing ethics, economics, and health policy.
For information about establishing educational and scholarship endowments or to contribute to existing endowments, contact Mary K. Treuner, SFCC Foundation executive director, at (660) 596-7249 or mtreuner@sfccmo.edu, or visit www.sfccmo.edu/foundation.
In the photo: In March on the SFCC Sedalia campus, nurse professional and author Nancy Congleton spoke to nursing students and faculty about life as a nurse.