SPCUW Providing Survey to Identify Issue-Based Needs
The United Way of Pettis County Board has developed a survey which is seeking feedback from area residents to help identify issue and focused-based needs.
Executive Director of Sedalia/Pettis County United Way, Staci Harrison, says the local organization has been "transforming for the last 5 or 6 years to become a more issue and focused-based United Way chapter."
Harrison added that the organization is transforming based around the needs of Pettis County residents to "help break cycles of property." She listed some examples that may include literacy education and assistance with child care.
The survey consists of 10 questions and takes about five minutes to complete. Harrison noted it is a way to help identify the most pressing issues that the community cares about and must be addressed.
Stanley Black & Decker is also donating 5 personalized tool boxes. Harrison said everyone who completes the survey will have a chance to win one of the toolboxes. Survey participants need to provided their email address at the end of the survey to be entered to win a toolbox.
As part of the information gathering process, Harrison says the United Way will be doing CSR visits with top employers in the area, hosting Community Conversations (Town Hall Meetings), and reviewing community indicator reports. The data will be analyzed to continue narrowing the focus to very specific issues.
Harrison said the organization would like a minimum of a thousand surveys returned, but the more surveys filled out will mean a better sampling of the needs and issues in Pettis County.
The survey will be online at the United Way of Pettis County website until April 26. Harrison noted it might stay up longer if needed.
The survey can be found here. The local United Way will also provide updates on their Facebook page.