
‘Demolition’ Review: A Strong Jake Gyllenhaal Performance in a Weak Movie
‘Demolition’ Review: A Strong Jake Gyllenhaal Performance in a Weak Movie
‘Demolition’ Review: A Strong Jake Gyllenhaal Performance in a Weak Movie
Naomi Watts’ is the second-billed star in Jean-Marc Vallée’s Demolition. On the film’s official Fox Searchlight website, her name appears above the title next to Jake Gyllenhaal’s. But she barely appears in the film’s trailer. She’s onscreen for less than one second. She says just three words. (“You miss her?”) It’s almost like the trailer is trying to hide her.
Jennie Jaynes Demolition
Jennie Jaynes Demolition
Jennie Jaynes Demolition
Sedalia Parks & Rec provided fans of the Old Jennie Jaynes Stadium to go through a final walk through of the place the provided 61 years of pride and tradition. After the final walk through, the company of Perkins Dozing began the process of demolition. ...
Demolition at 2nd and Ohio Is Delayed
Demolition at 2nd and Ohio Is Delayed
Demolition at 2nd and Ohio Is Delayed
Building demolition on 2nd and Ohio hit a snag this morning (May 22),  when the jackhammer attached to the huge machine assigned to bring the buildings down broke. One corner of a building had been crunched at noon as people drove by to get a closer look...
Construction Crews Demolish Buildings at Second and Osage
Construction Crews Demolish Buildings at Second and Osage
Construction Crews Demolish Buildings at Second and Osage
For those waiting for action on the dilapidated buildings in downtown Sedalia, the sight of tumbling bricks on the corner of West Second Street and Osage is a welcome sight. On Monday morning (April 28), crews moved in and began dismantling the two buildings on the northeast corner, just across the street from City Hall.

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