
Sedalia Kiwanis Club Organizes Local Fundraisers [INTERVIEW]
Sedalia Kiwanis Club Organizes Local Fundraisers [INTERVIEW]
Sedalia Kiwanis Club Organizes Local Fundraisers [INTERVIEW]
At the Kiwanis International Foundation, they work hard for children at risk and under-served children, the children who need help most.  Working together with Kiwanis International, they serve the children of the world, supporting the Kiwanis International mission.  They also do a lot of work here locally with their programs for kids here in Sedalia, and also helping out the elderly in our area,
Sedalia School Board to Vote on Accepting Sedalia Parks and Rec’s Offer to Buy Jennie Jaynes Stadium Property
Sedalia School Board to Vote on Accepting Sedalia Parks and Rec’s Offer to Buy Jennie Jaynes Stadium Property
Sedalia School Board to Vote on Accepting Sedalia Parks and Rec’s Offer to Buy Jennie Jaynes Stadium Property
The pursuit to build a new high school activities stadium at Smith-Cotton High School continues today (Sept. 9). A few months ago, the Sedalia School Board voted to hire a construction manager to build a new athletic and activities center. The plans have been moving along ever since. Today, the Sedalia School Board will be voting on whether to accept and sign the contract that the Sedalia Parks an