Heart Attack

A Wake Up Call from My Heart
A Wake Up Call from My Heart
A Wake Up Call from My Heart
Wednesday, Jan 9, 2013, 5:30 a.m. Memo to self: Wake up, have a heart attack, panic. While this is not a memo anyone would write to themselves, it happens even without a reminder. As it is with most people who have it happen. my heart attack should have been expected because I am a perfect candidate: overweight, a sedentary life style, and a penchant to worry too much about small things. On the pl
Heart-Attack Victim Searches for Stranger Who Saved His Life
Heart-Attack Victim Searches for Stranger Who Saved His Life
Heart-Attack Victim Searches for Stranger Who Saved His Life
Toronto resident Jason Kroft, his wife and their two young children came to New York city earlier this month to visit Kroft's brother-in-law, Andrew Zeller. Zeller was giving the Canadian family a tour of 30 Rockefeller Plaza when Kroft, who had no history of heart disease, went into cardiac arrest, fell to the ground and stopped breathing.