Taxes Are Easy It's the Filing That's Tricky Taxes Are Easy It's the Filing That's Tricky In the era of simplified tax forms and being able to file online, it's the filing part that's become the irritating part of the process. Rob CreightonRob Creighton
Taxpayers Who Use the Standard Deduction Get an Increase in 2022 Taxpayers Who Use the Standard Deduction Get an Increase in 2022 The Internal Revenue Service announced an increase in the standard deduction for the 2022 tax year.Rob CreightonRob Creighton
Greitens Sent Political Invite on Charity EmailGreitens Sent Political Invite on Charity EmailMissouri Gov. Eric Greitens used an email address for a veterans charity he founded to arrange political meetings as he prepared to launch his first bid for public officeAssociated PressAssociated Press