The $3500 will be used to offer professional development to Missouri educators, including elementary and secondary teachers in SFCC’s 14-county service region and SFCC’s faculty.
Supaman, a performing artist who inspires others by merging into his live concerts Native American culture with comedy, dance and his unique blend of hip-hop music, will perform at the University of Central Missouri on Tuesday, Nov. 8.
The Hayden Liberty Center Association for the Arts, Inc. is kicking off its film series Friday, Nov. 4 and will feature internationally-recognized musician Jeff Barnhart.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — Hundreds of entities statewide will be getting annual grants from the Missouri Arts Council. The council says it's awarding 337 annual grants totaling $4.3 million during the current state budget year. The grants will support such things as museums, theaters, concerts, ballets and local community arts organizations...