
Why You Should Never Ever Talk on Phone When Shopping in Missouri
Why You Should Never Ever Talk on Phone When Shopping in Missouri
Why You Should Never Ever Talk on Phone When Shopping in Missouri
I'm probably not the person to be lecturing other people on etiquette. Yes, I was born and raised in Missouri and that's part of the problem. There's a good reason why people like me should never ever talk on the phone while shopping in a store and there's a bigger problem than just manners.
Dad Finds Perfect Way to Stop Kids From Checking Their Phones
Dad Finds Perfect Way to Stop Kids From Checking Their Phones
Dad Finds Perfect Way to Stop Kids From Checking Their Phones
If you're like the rest of the breathing population, then you are probably a slave to your smartphone. In this clever short film called Pass the Salt, one dad decides to turn the tables on his kids, who are way too involved in their phones to pay him any mind while they share what should be a nice family meal...
Americans Have Spent a Ridiculous $5.9 Billion Fixing Their iPhones
Americans Have Spent a Ridiculous $5.9 Billion Fixing Their iPhones
Americans Have Spent a Ridiculous $5.9 Billion Fixing Their iPhones
People sure do love their iPhones, but they also can't seem to stop dropping them—good news for the booming iPhone-repair business. In fact, a recent accident survey by SquareTrade found that the American population has spent nearly $5.9 billion fixing their damaged phones since the first device hit the market in 2007.