Administrative Assistant Streit Recognized For 10 Years Of Service
Monday night's City Council meeting began with a public hearing for an annexation petition from Jeff Redford, managing member of Helaman Drive, LLC.
The property to be annexed is at 16th and Water Tower Road. The hearing must be held between 14 and 60 days of the City receiving the petition. There must be another 14 days after the hearing before the City adopts an ordinance to conclude the annexation process. The petition was filed Aug. 29.
No comments were received during the brief hearing.
The public hearing was followed by the reading of a proclamation by Sedalia Mayor Andrew Dawson, focusing on Good Neighbor Week, which is Sept. 28 through Oct. 4.
A service award was presented to Jilene Streit for her 10 years of service in Community Development. She is an administrative assistant.
Community Development Director John Simmons noted that Streit has coordinated close to 1,000 meetings during her decade of service to the City. She also handles questions about construction, code enforcement and special events requiring permits.
"She keeps me organized," Simmons said of Streit. "That's no easy task."
Streit also deals with deeds, titles, Real Estate transfers, tax sales purchases, and sending out certified letters. Simmons estimated that she has sent out over 20,000 certified letters during her tenure.
Under Finance and Administration, the results of an audit through a certified public accounting firm (William Keepers of Columbia) resulted in the firm issuing a “clean opinion” for the City of Sedalia.
The audit, presented by Amanda Shultz and Mercedes Kindle, concerned the fiscal year that ended March 31.
Financial Director Jessica Pyle then gave the Council a brief report on the major tax revenue collections over the past month.
Under Public Safety, Sedalia Fire Chief Matt Irwin requested that Engine 4 be repaired to the tune of $14,121. This includes new leaf springs and a fuel tank at a cost of $7,710, and a transmission repair at a cost of $6,411. The budget amendment was approved by Council.
Feld Fire (Carroll, Iowa) will perform the work on the springs and gas tank, while Central Power (Liberty) will work on the transmission.
Under Public Works, Council approved an ordinance authorizing an easement agreement for the construction and maintenance of a stormwater retention basin, to be located just west of the Sedalia Animal Shelter. It was noted in the packet that stormwater runoff needs to be slowed down via a detention basin. An apartment developer (Bountiful Investments, LLC) approached the City about acquiring an easement just west of the trails to construct such a basin. The city had already discussed the subject beforehand, when project plans were approved, it was noted.
Whenever the City adds stormwater control, sanitary sewer mains and lift stations, or water distribution mains and wells, they all need to be added to the proper layers in the GIS. Staff has identified the projects completed since the last update to the database, and negotiated an agreement with SurveyAnd Mapping, Inc., to do the work at a cost of $31,350. Council approved the contract.
Two new positions were added to the Public Works Department in the form of a trained parts counter employee, or a Program Specialist, at a cost of $20,378.76 for years, and a Utility Locate Technician at a cost of $24,812.34.
The request was made by Human Resources Director Shannon Ramey-Trull.
The added full-time employee positions required two resolutions, two ordinances and a budget amendment.
The program specialist will be in charge of ordering parts, keeping track of inventory, supplies such as motor oil, and matching invoices to the correct purchase orders. This will be a Grade 11 job.
In the Water Department, a Utility Locate Technician will perform duties normally done by outside firms. The move is expected to save the City $62,000 in the first year, and $100,000 every year after that.
The City has two accounts with Missouri 811, which is required by law. One is for water and the other is for sewer. After meeting with Missouri 811, the two accounts were consolidated Sept. 1.
Under Community Development, the City applied for and received a $20,000 grant through the State Historic Preservation Office to develop guidelines to assist residents with best practices for restoration within historic districts in Sedalia.
The $20,000 grant requires a matching $20,000 and $10,000 of in-kind staff time, it was noted.
Two liquor license renewals were granted by Council:
*Daniela Silva dba Morelos Taqueria Bakery and Grocery, LLC, 125 E. 16th, for liquor by the drink and Sunday Sales, $750
*Chris Randy dba Rudy's Discount Smoke Shop, 3040 W. Broadway, Suite 220, for Packaged Liquor and Sunday Sales, $450
Under Miscellaneous, Second Ward Council member Tina Boggess noted that a celebration banquet honoring Bishop Paul L. Jones is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 23 at Burns Chapel Free Will Baptist Church, starting at 6. Tickets are $25 each.
Under Good & Welfare, Impact Signs co-founder David Goodson requested that the Council waive the building permit fees for his ongoing construction project at 819 Curry Drive in the Thompson Meadows Industrial Park.
Ground was broken for the $8 million project three months ago.
He estimated that his new headquarters would generate well over $2 million in tax revenue for the City over the next five years, counting sales tax and property tax.
“I think the investment will come back to you twentyfold over the next five years,” Goodson told the Council.
Council passed a resolution and waived the building permit fees for State Fair Community College for three projects at its Aug. 21 meeting.
Mayor Dawson, along with the Council said that the resolution “emphasizes SFCC's integral role in workforce development and highlights Sedalia's dedication to community growth, education and public safety."
The projects include: construction of a new Center For Advanced Agriculture and Transportation Technology Facility (estimated cost is $20M), construction of a new 200-bed residence hall (estimated cost is up to $20M), and construction of a new outdoor athletic complex (estimated cost is $10M).
City Administrator Shaw told KSIS after that meeting that the combined cost of the building permit fees for the college amounted to around $130,000.
Also under Good & Welfare, Tim Keele and Christopher M. Paszkiewicz approached Council with a request for one-way streets and angle parking in downtown Sedalia to alleviate traffic congestion and parking issues.
A petition to add 150 parking spaces downtown was submitted to Council.
Fourth Ward Council member Rhiannon Foster suggested that Council continue the discussion at its next regularly scheduled meeting.
Council then adjourned and went to a closed-door meeting.
Council meets again Oct. 2. The public is invited.