Awards, Hearings Lead Off Sedalia Council Meeting
Several awards were presented to City of Sedalia employees Monday night at the start of the November 2 meeting of City Council.
Sedalia Fire Chief Greg Harrell presented a certificate to Fire Captain Greg Smith for 25 years of service.
Sedalia Fire Chief Matt Wirt then presented a certificate to Telecommunications Officer Leona Anson for 10 years of service, and to Police Sergeant Michael Elwood, also for 10 years of service. Officer John Cook was then recognized for 23 years, 11 months and three weeks of service upon his retirement.
Gary LaBoube, mechanic with the Vehicle Maintenance Department, has served 10 years for the City of Sedalia, while Eugene Davis, crew supervisor with the Street Department, has served the City of Sedalia for 40 years.
In other action, the Council:
*Held a public hearing concerning annexations requested by Alex Kapitupa with Kapital Carpentry, LLC, and Zakhariy and Tatyana Izoita. No comments were received at the hearing.
*Passed five ordinances approving annexation of an unicorporated area owned by Gables Homeowners Assoication, Inc., known as The Gables Phase II.
*Heard from Public Works Director Brenda Ardrey, who gave a presentation to Council concerning strategic planning of drinkable water and wastewater.
*Approved a $17,718.76 change order from Phillips Hardy, Inc., due to unsuitable soil for a rail spur track bed to be located south of Saline and east of Mill Street.
*Called for a general election to be held April 6 to elect one councilman from each of the four wards in the City.
*Approved records destruction for the Personnel Department.
*Approved amendments, a deletion and addition of job descriptions, as well as the controlled substance and alcohol testing policy for the City. Councilman Jeff Wimann abstained from voting on the job descriptions ordinance.
*Approved the transfer of the Municipal Court to the 18th Judicial Court.
*Accepted a proposal of 2021 health insurance rates by Blue Cross Blue Shield, and Insurance and Benefits Group during a presentation by John Rice.
*Approved a $50,000 in expenditures to remodel the Central Fire Station, 600 South Hancock. The improvements will make the aging fire station living quarters liveable for a few more years. Future plans call for two new stations to be located elsewhere in the City.
*Accepted a PEP grant agreement with Missouri Main Street Connection for revitalization of the downtown Sedalia area. The cost involves a $28,800 grant, with a $9,600 match by the City, for a total amount of $38,400, according to Downtown Specialist Raeanne Spears.
*Approved a liquor license renewal request from Justin Reith dba Woods Express #570, located at 703 E. Broadway, for packaged liquor and Sunday Sales, $450.
Council then adjourned to closed session.