
Vote for Kauffman Stadium for Best Ballpark in America!
Vote for Kauffman Stadium for Best Ballpark in America!
Vote for Kauffman Stadium for Best Ballpark in America!
How many Major League Baseball stadiums have you visited? I've been to several, including Busch Stadium II, Busch Stadium III, Kauffman Stadium, Wrigley Field and Turner Fieldas always been one of my favorites, and it looks like a lot of baseball fans agree, according to a new bracket of the nation's best ballparks.
Sedalia Parks, Which Is Your Favorite?
Sedalia Parks, Which Is Your Favorite?
Sedalia Parks, Which Is Your Favorite?
Spring is finally here! With warmer weather, we see a lot more people out and about.  Families and loved ones can enjoy taking walks, having picnics, playing outdoor games, or organizing barbecues. Parks are great places to assemble, especially if there are a lot of people expected to attend.
New Credit Score Survey Shows Warrensburg Ahead of Sedalia, Both Cities Beat Kansas City
New Credit Score Survey Shows Warrensburg Ahead of Sedalia, Both Cities Beat Kansas City
New Credit Score Survey Shows Warrensburg Ahead of Sedalia, Both Cities Beat Kansas City
WalletHub has put together a new survey that compares the average credit scores of residents in 2,570 cities across the United States. Compared to the entire country, our regional results aren't all that impressive. They're also not terrible. But it's fun to look at how individual cities across west central and central Missouri rank against one another.
Turkey Leftover Idea: Turkey Tacos
Turkey Leftover Idea: Turkey Tacos
Turkey Leftover Idea: Turkey Tacos
The Thanksgiving Holiday has come and gone, but one thing might still remain; the turkey. Maybe you bought a bigger turkey than in previous years or maybe you had more people eat the sides this year or maybe you just made your turkey sandwiches and have a little bit of turkey left. What do you do with your leftovers?
Sedalia’s Downtown Arch: What Do You Think? [POLL]
Sedalia’s Downtown Arch: What Do You Think? [POLL]
Sedalia’s Downtown Arch: What Do You Think? [POLL]
The Historic Streetscape Project has been completed for a few weeks, plenty of time for all of us to garner an opinion and a final verdict about the arch that's located at Ohio Avenue and Broadway Boulevard.
The Most Instagrammed Location in Missouri
The Most Instagrammed Location in Missouri
The Most Instagrammed Location in Missouri
Recently, a list of the most Instagrammed places in each state was released. A website called Busbud analyzed millions of photos to figure out which place in each state gets Instagrammed the most, and broke it down into five major categories. The categories are: nature, beaches, sports venues, major landmarks, and zoos.

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