
Illinois Trying to Ban Gas-Powered Vehicles By 2035?
Illinois Trying to Ban Gas-Powered Vehicles By 2035?
Illinois Trying to Ban Gas-Powered Vehicles By 2035?
I don't want to be the old man on the porch constantly complaining about why things have to change and wishing we could go back 30 years to "the good times", but there's a new proposal in Illinois that wants to ban gas-powered vehicles by the year 2035 and I'm grumpy about it.
It's Apparently OK for Missouri Amish to Use Computers - Sort Of
It's Apparently OK for Missouri Amish to Use Computers - Sort Of
It's Apparently OK for Missouri Amish to Use Computers - Sort Of
Like many in northeast Missouri, I live near many Amish families and greatly respect their faith and approach to life. I was under the impression that they were adverse to all kinds of technology, but I'm apparently wrong as Missouri Amish are apparently able to use computers - sort of. It's rather complicated.

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