City Employees Honored for Service Longevity
Monday night's City Council meeting began with four service awards presented to City of Sedalia employees.
Curtis Campbell, crew supervisor with Water Pollution Control, has served for 30 years.
Daniel Bailey, Sedalia Fire Department driver, has served for 20 years.
Sgt. Daniel Benner has served in the Sedalia Police Department for 15 years.
William Bracken, Filtration Plant Chief operator at the Sedalia Water Department, has served for 15 years. He was not present Monday night.
The awards were followed by a presentation by Shannon Ramey-Trull, Human Resources director, on personnel policies under Finance and Administration.
Council then “re-adopted” an ordinance concerning procedures to disclose potential conflicts of interest and substantial interests for certain officials.
Council then approved an ordinance designating a change in signatories and authorized representatives for the bank accounts and investments owned by the City. This affects the new mayor.
Under Public Safety, an ordinance concerning a memorandum of understanding was approved by Council. The MOU is between the City and State Fair Community College, which will offer Fire Academy I and II classes through the college at no cost to the City,
Council then approved a three-year agreement between the City and SFD and Brycer, LLC to use a compliance engine at no cost to the City.
Public Works had 17 items listed for Monday night:
Council approved the purchase of two backhoes and the lease of one wheel loader from Foley Equipment Company (Wichita, Kansas).
Each Caterpillar 420F2IT Backhoe costs $60,795, so two will be $121,590.
The wheel loader will be leased at a cost of $21,252.67 annually for five years. Total cost will be $106,263.35.
Overall cost will be $127,853.35.
Council approved an ordinance authorizing “task order number six” for services by Burns & McDonnell relating to locating a suitable site for a new North Wastewater Treatment Plant and a review of the existing lift station at a cost of $62,400.
The North Wastewater Treatment Plant will have to be replaced within the next few years, it was noted, and Burns & McDonnell is doing the engineering work on it.
Council approved an ordinance restricting the use of refuse containers on Municipal roadways.
Council approved and accepted a quote from Smico Contracting Group, LLC, (Odessa) for the purchase of 10 electric actuators for the Water Filtration Plant at a cost of $88,908.
Council approved and accepted a quote from Layne Christensen Company (KC) for rehabilitation of Water Well #18, at a cost of $38,263. Only $30,000 was budgeted for it, but the $88,908 Smico bid came in far less than the $120,000 budgeted for it, so the City is well within the budget for capital expenditures for the fiscal year.
Council approved an annexation and utility services agreement between the City and Bogdan and Alina Ostapenko, 3480 Brooklyn Ave, Lot 28, in the Shepard Meadow Estates and Covered Bridge Estates, for connection of property located in Pettis County to the City's sanitary sewer system and water system.
Council approved a project (Task Order #5) to perform geotechnical sampling and engineering services to vet out the design of upgrades for the Central Wastewater Plant at a cost of $66,030.
Council approved an ordinance granting Central Missouri Electric Cooperative, Inc., a franchise in accordance with the established City code. Due to several annexations over the years, CMEC is providing services to come customers within the city limits.
Council approved a cooperative agreement with Insituform Technologies, USA, LLC, for cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) lining of various sewer lines at a cost of $173,451.93.
This CIPP process is used to re-line sewer mains rather than excavating them and replacing them, it was noted. The process is much faster and avoids shutting down roadways for extended periods of time.
Council approved a bid and agreement with JCI Industries, LLC, for the replacement of high service pump #3 and installation of a variable frequency drive at the city's Water Filtration Plant at a cost of $95,912.33. Only $80,000 was budgeted, but the City is well within the budget for capital expenditures for the fiscal year, so the JCI bid was approved.
A total of $483,863 was budgeted for water main replacement projects near Driftwood and Honeysuckle. A $436,4112.50 bid from Ryan Construction (Columbia) was approved by Council for directional boring services.
Eight bids were received for water main replacement projects on East 9th from Ingram to Hancock and the 3000 to 4000 block of South Ingram. Ryan Construction (Columbia) was the low bidder at $298,335, which is significantly lower than the $404,455 budgeted.
Two bids for filter media for use in the backwash process by the Water Department. More specifically, two wet well submersible pumps and controllers. FTC Equipment was the low bidder at 72,075, which is within the $80,000 budgeted.
The backwash process pumps water backwards through the filters to clean them and flush out debris that was filtered out of the water.
Stop signs are now installed at the exits to the Heckart Community Center on 3rd Street and Liberty Park Boulevard to increase safety.
S & A Equipment and Builders will be adding curb, gutter and stormwater control to the extension of Autumn Avenue from Spring to Main Streets at a cost of $55,437.32.
Due to an engineering oversight, the design of the stormwater project this year created a conflict with an existing water main the same area. So the specs for the pipe was reduced from 24 inches to 18 inches to provide clearance with the water line. But rather then returned the 24-inch pipe already purchased and paying a re-stocking fee, the City can hold on to the pipe and use it in another project later on.
A change order adds the cost of a new 18-inch pipe ($17,292) to the project. J. Richardson Construction is the contractor.
Council requested making applications to take advantage of grant money available from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The Missouri DNR made known their instructions for how to apply for the federal funds. Projects have been identified by staff that they believe would qualify. Three resolutions were passed, for stormwater, wastewater and drinking water projects.
Two new liquor licenses were granted:
*Hallye Newton dba Sedalia Lions Club, for a picnic license for a cornhole tournament scheduled for June 11 at the Nucor Pavilion, $37.50
*Angela L. Parker dba Missouri Gay Rodeo Association (Kansas City) for a picnic license for June 10-12, $37.50
Five liquor license renewals were granted, including:
*Honor Villalobos dba Kehde's BBQ of Sedalia, LLC, 1915 South Limit, for a picnic license, $37.50
*Steven Sawfford dba Grellner Sales & Service, 1510 West Henry, Wholesale Liquor and Beer Sales, $350
*Lancy Ulrich dba Hampton Inn Sedalia, 3909 W. 9th, Liquor by the Drink, $450
*Brent Jones dba Jiffy Stop Food Mart #591 1722 W, Broadway, Packaged Liquor and Sunday Sales, $450
*Marcial Limas dba State Fair Floral, 520 South Ohio, Liquor by the Drink, $450
Council then adjourned to closed-door session to discuss Legal Advice and Real Estate.
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