Pat Ives of Cole Camp won a new Arctic Cat "HDX 700 XT EPS" utility vehicle from Menards, 4400 Wisconsin, on Thursday afternoon.

Randy Kirby
Randy Kirby

The prize is valued at nearly $15,000, according to a Menards press release. Ives was selected the grand prize winner after she registered for the sweepstakes in May. She was presented with the Arctic Cat on behalf of Menards and one of its vendors, Char-Broil.

“It's unbelieveable, it took a while for it to sink in,” Ives commented shortly after climbing into the driver's seat of the four-wheeled vehicle.

“Anytime we were in the store, we signed up for whatever it was they were giving away. Never figured on winning something,” she said, adding that she plans to sell the Arctic Cat. “Ten or 15 years ago, I could have used it in a farming operation, but we retired.”

Her husband Phil Welllington said they signed up in May, and then on June 15, Pat got the call that she had won.

Pat's mother Dorothy Lorraine, 96, also attended the ceremony held at Menards.

"Menards gives a free vehicle away every month, and there's no purchase required. All they have to do is come in and register to win ," commented Sedalia GM Kenny Sackett. "Menards and Char-Broil would like to congratulate Patricia on winning, and remind everyone else to stop at their local Menards store for your chance to win and save big money every day."

Pat (and Phil) are certainly great guests of ours, and we appreciate them shopping here," Sackett said. Menard's has served Sedalia for over seven years on the west end of town.

Randy Kirby
Randy Kirby
Randy Kirby
Randy Kirby
Randy Kirby
Randy Kirby
Randy Kirby
Randy Kirby

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