Council Hears Strategic Planning Updates
Sedalia Council members heard three strategic planning presentations Monday night, including animal services from Animal Shelter Manager Randi Battson, community development from Director John Simmons and a law-enforcement presentation from Police Chief Matt Wirt.
Council approved an agreement with Thyssen Krupp Elevator Corp., (Lenexa, Kan.) for annual testing and maintenance of the elevators at the SPD and Municipal buildings at a cost of $6,353.28 per year for a five-year contract. That brings the total to $31,766.40. The City has contracted with Thyssen Krupp since 1994.
Council approved a open container waiver for Saturday, March 14 from 12 to 7 p.m. for the Sedalia Lion's Club's planned St. Patricks' Day Pub Crawl in downtown Sedalia. Wristbands will be issued for those 21 and over purchasing alcohol, which must be contained in a special plastic cup issued at the event by the Lions.
The event will also require street and alley personnel to place dozens of barricades, traffic cones and trash receptacles on Ohio between 2nd and 7th streets, bordered by Osage and Lamine.
A back-up date of March 21 was established for the event.
The Lions Club was represented by Courtney Hicks and Jessica Borchers.
Council approved two ordinances involving a runway upgrade at the Sedalia Regional Airport, and upgrades to the Sedalia Fire Department's radio system.
The airport upgrade will cost $207,300, while the new digital radios for SFD will cost $231,392 (Motorola Solutions, Inc., and Commenco, LLC).
Council approved a $18,330.64 purchase technical fire equipment used in high-angle rescues. The bidder was CAN Equipment Sales out of Louisiana.
Council adopted a portion of a new code dealing with medical marijuana facilities.
Council accepted a $10,905.18 change order pertaining to the Municipal Building renovations. Septagon Construction, Inc., is the general contractor on the project.
Present for their five-year service award was Chief Building Official Thomas Mayes. Also in attendance for their retirements awards were Ronald Stark, with 32 years and two months of service in the City's Sanitation Department, and Timothy J. Curry with 11 years, six months of service in Community Development.
Not present was Fire Capt. William Friendly with 20 years of service with the SFD, and Joseph Miller with 10 years of service with the Sedalia Water Department.
--Shown in the top photo is John Simmons, community development director for the City of Sedalia. He was one of three presenters at Monday night's City Council meeting. A fourth presenter, EDSPC Executive Director Jessica Craig, was unable to attend due to the flu.
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