Council Purchases Software for SFD, New Radios for SPD
Monday night's City Council meeting led off with a special use permit.
Council granted a special use permit for Nicholas A. Dilthey for a car dealership located at 204 E. 24th (Twilight Motors). The action was postponed from the Nov. 20 meeting. The property is zoned C-1. Dilthey was waiting on a carport to be moved.
Under Finance and Administration, Council discussed the idea of changing from two-year terms to four-year terms for Council members.
Under Public Safety, Sedalia Fire Chief Matt Irwin gave his strategic planning presentation to Council.
Council then agreed to a software purchase from Locality Media, Inc., dba First Due for report management solutions for the Sedalia Fire Department at a cost of $24,100.
It was explained that the manufacturer of the current software that the SFD uses to report calls for service was purchased by another company, and with the changes made by the new owner, it was decided that the system no longer fits the department's needs.
Council then heard from Sedalia Police Chief Matt Wirt, who presented his thoughts on strategic planning for the upcoming year. He was assisted by Commander David Woolery.
Council then approved a purchase for $27,173 for police radios. SPD applied for and was awarded two grants that will help offset the cost of four new dual-band radios for the department's patrol cars. The grant will cover $22,150.50 of the total cost of $27,173, leaving $5,022.50 for the City to pay. A budget amendment was approved.
Under Public Works, Council accepted a bid from ArborPro, Inc., for inventory and assessments of the City's trees. The cost is primarily offset by a Tree Resource Improvement and Maintenance (TRIM) grant. ArborPro provided the lowest and best proposal of the two bids received.
Sedalia Regional Airport Director Derrick Dodson has developed a rental plane arrangement, along with a flight instruction program. Staff assembled a job description and budget amendment for Council's consideration.
Under Community Development, Council approved an ordinance to annex property located along Route HH at the north edge of Sedalia, which is owned by “Highway H Properties, LLC.” A hearing held at the previous Council meeting generated no comments.
After adopting a new animal code, it was learned that there were a couple of fixes needed in the language. The change removes the reference agricultural zoning and provides a method to allow the animals intended to be allowed. Also Planning & Zoning noticed there was a reference to allowing private stables in the zoning code. This created conflicting language between the zoning code and the new animal control code. A modification deletes that section of the zoning chapter.
One liquor license renewal was approved by Council:
Adam McMillin dba Walmart Store # 219, 3201 W. Broadway, for packaged liquor and Sunday Sales, $450
Council then adjourned to closed-door session for Legal Advice, Real Estate matters, Personnel and Negotiated Contracts.
Council meets again Dec. 18. The public is invited.
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Gallery Credit: Stacker