There will be a benefit for the Parkview Christian School.  Pizza Hut will have Dough 4 Schools to benefit Parkview Christian School.  Order dinner from Pizza Hut on Tuesday, Dec. 10 and 20% of your order will be donated to the school.  The teacher responsible for the highest total of sales will receive a pizza party.

This seems like one of the easiest marriages in kid history.  Kids like pizza.  Schools need money.  You need food anyway, right? Of course you do.  Do you really wanna go to the trouble after your long, trying day at work of coming home, cleaning up, cooking food, and then cleaning it all up again?  NO!  You work hard, day in and day out, doing what's necessary to pay the electric bill and socks.  I say, you deserve an easy night's nourishment.

So go on by the Pizza Hut at 1425 S Limit Ave, or give them a call at 660-827-1111.   Reward yourself with an easy night and great food while helping these kids get the supplies they  need.

Pizzily yours,


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