How Much More Daylight Will Mo See By The End of January?
One of the tough parts of Midwestern living in Missouri is early sunsets during the winter. For example, in Sedalia, Missouri, the sunset on December 21, 2023, was 4:55 PM CST. Sunrise was at 7:28 AM CST. Put that together, and well we weren't having very long days. So, when will the sun be setting at the end of January? What about February?
Most of us will start to notice longer days either when it starts to be light out when you leave work, assuming you wrap your day up between 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM, or when we move the clocks ahead and spring forward on Sunday, March 10, 2023.
Yet the days are getting longer. They've been getting longer since the end of December and will continue to grow through the longest day of the year which falls this year on Thursday, June 20.
Listed below are the sunrise and sunset times for Sedalia, St. Louis, and Kansas City on the shortest day of the year, the end of January, the end of February, and the day we turn clocks ahead an hour. While it may not seem like we're moving the needle as far as sunset goes right now, by the end of February most of Missouri will have gained an hour of afternoon/evening daylight. I used NOAA's Solar Calculator to figure out these times. You can use it to get the exact times for your town!
Sunrise and Sunset Times Sedalia, Missouri
- Shortest Day of the Year: 7:28 AM - 4:55 PM CST
- January 30, 2024: 7:21 AM - 5:23 PM CST
- February 28, 2024: 6:41 AM - 6:04 PM CST
- March 10, 2024 (Spring Forward): 7:31 AM - 7:16 PM CDT
Sunrise and Sunset Times St. Louis, Missouri
- Shortest Day of the Year: 7:15 AM - 4:43 PM CST
- January 30, 2024: 7:08 AM - 5:20 PM CST
- February 28, 2024: 6:35 AM - 5:52 PM CST
- March 10, 2024 (Spring Forward): 7:19 AM - 7:03 PM CDT
Sunrise and Sunset Times Kansas City, Missouri
- Shortest Day of the Year: 7:34 AM - 4:59 PM CST
- January 30, 2024: 7:28 AM - 5:35 PM CST
- February 28, 2024: 6:53 AM - 6:09 PM CST
- March 10, 2024 (Spring Forward): 7:36 AM - 7:21 PM CDT