The Sedalia City Council tabled a vote on zoning codes for medical marijuana at its Monday night meeting due to a lack of full Council.

Missouri voters approved the legal use of medical marijuana in 2018, and cities can reduce, but not increase the suggested 1,000-foot buffer zone around schools, churches and day cares.

The Planning & Zoning Commission voted 7-0 to approve changes to the ordinance pertaining to medical marijuana, and a public hearing was held May 22 on the issue.

City Administrator Kelvin Shaw admitted the situation, forced upon Sedalia officials, is a difficult one, and cities may regulate it through zoning and setbacks, as well as hours of operation.

Council members generally would like to see such dispenseries within the city limits for more visibility and control. Dealing with the issue in Planning & Zoning was “not a fun thing,” remarked Councilman Leeman, who represents the Council at P& Z meetings.

Leeman added that he feels that the issue before the Council is not a referendum, but rather a decision on where medical marijuana will be sold in Sedalia.

Shaw said that generally he would like to see them on Highways 65 or 50, more specifically north of 32nd and south of 50 (on Limit). The worst place would be across from Smith-Cotton in the county, he noted.

Two maps were shown that illustrate 1,000-foot buffers and 300-foot buffers.

Leeman, who said that dealing with the issue at P & Z, was a long and tedious process. He predicted that Sedalia will be dealing with the issue of recreational marijuana in five or six years.

Council members Bonita Nash and Tollie Rowe were absent Monday night. City Counselor Anne Gardner suggested the Council table the vote until July 1 when the Council next meets in regular session.

Randy Kirby
Randy Kirby

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