Outstanding Progress in Economic Development Recognized in Pettis County
Economic Development Sedalia-Pettis County (EDSPC) presented four awards last night at its 14th annual Economic Development Works For You Banquet at the Sedalia Country Club.
Outstanding Achievement Awards were presented to Todd Hackel and Ron Ditzfeld for going above and beyond to promote economic development in Pettis County.
A Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Mark Dawson for his dedication to the betterment of economic development in Pettis County. Dawson is retiring at the end of May and will become the economic development director in Clinton.
Dawson, CEcD, 64, is the District Community Affairs Manager for the Southeast and East Districts for KCP&L/Westar. He worked with the company for over 18 years, and 32 years in economic development.
“It was a shock,” he said of receiving the award. “I've really loved working with Sedalia, the people and the companies. And to me, it's not really a job when you love it, and I truly did. I've been very blessed and I'm very humbled by the award.”
EDSPC Executive Director Jessica Craig was pleased with the turnout and the opportunity to recognize the people who had the most impact on ED over the past year.
“So here in Pettis County, we really like to acknowledge those individuals, businesses, community leaders or organizations that had a significant impact in economic development progress for the year prior, ” she said. “We have about 30 companies represented here tonight.”
Craig was presented with a special award at the conclusion of the banquet by EDSPC Board President Rusty Kahrs and Service Corporation Board President President John Swearingen. The award was a 3-D sculpture of the EDSPC logo. Craig was recently honored as the state's top economic development director for 2019.