The Sedalia City Council was treated to no less than eight presentations Monday night during a three-hour meeting.

The presentations included Pettis County Health Center, OATS, Financial Update, Sedalia Animal Shelter, Safe Streets, Sedalia Regional Airport, Community Development and Code Enforcement. Most of them were annual reports from department heads who outlined their operations for Council, as well as illustrating progress over the past year and defining goals for the coming year.

Dawn Williams, Pettis County Health Center Mental Health Coordinator, requested $50,000 from the City of Sedalia Community for outdoor Narcan vending machines -- $37,717 for the machines and $12,283 for training.

Williams said that Sedalia is experiencing an opioid epidemic, with rising overdose rates, and with fentanyl as one of the leading factors.

Her Powerpoint presentation showed that in Missouri, there were 1948 drugs deaths due to overdose in 2023. And 73 percent of those deaths were attributed to opioids. And in the US, fentanyl accounts for 97 percent of overdose deaths involving opioids.

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New York Becomes First State To Make Narcan Available At Pharmacies
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Williams noted that in 2023, a total of 598 boxes of Narcan, or Naloxone, were handed out. So far this year, that number has increased to 2,367.

The outdoor vending machines, which are climate controlled, will allow citizens access to free, life-saving Narcan after hours. Of four vendors the health department looked at, AVS Vendors was chosen.

Williams said she hopes to reach out to 70 industries and about 200 in the Pettis County area to distribute Narcan where it’s needed as part of a business outreach campaign.

Fourth Ward Councilmen Steve Bloess said that Narcan should be in every household in Sedalia..

Williams was asked by Third Ward Councilman Bob Cross if she had approached the Pettis County Commission for funding. She said that she had not, but plans to do so. She added that grants for this purpose are difficult to obtain.

Cross said that she should find out what other funding is available before the Council makes a decision.

Williams said that the quotes from the vendors are good for one month before they are subject to an increase.

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The Council will address the request at their next meeting Dec. 2. A budget amendment is required for the restricted funds.

Malinda Nevils is the administrator at the health center, located at 911 East 16th. The center is governed by a five-member board of trustees. Call 827-1130 for more information.

Second Ward Councilman Chris Marshall and Fourth Ward Councilwoman Rhiannon Foster were absent from Monday night's meeting.

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Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz

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