Sedalia Area Tourism Commission Meeting Minutes Posted
The meeting was called to order Tuesday, Oct. 2 at 1:15 pm in the upstairs conference room of the Katy Depot. The following were in attendance:
Sedalia Area Tourism Commission representatives: Chuck Kempton, Erica Eisenmenger, David Dick, John Kehde and Tom Adermann; CVB representatives: Kyle Herrick, Kevin Daniel, Linda Alcorn, Carolyn Crooker and Deb Biermann
First order of business was review of the requests for funding 2019 Visitor Destination Marketing Campaigns. A summary of previous year funding levels was included in the agenda packet.
Courtney Fry presented on behalf of the Missouri State Fair. Their request totaled $89,935.00. Samples of media coverage appearing in various editions of Sports Destination Marketing magazines were shared. In addition to the six magazine editions, there are weekly blitz emails, and listed as a feature destination on their website.
With 455 event days, they have surpassed their goal of 450 off season event days. Courtney mentioned potential of the FMCA national convention as the National High School Rodeo Association Finals.
James Trelow and Andrew Treuner presented on behalf of the Liberty Center Association for the Arts.
Their request totaled $52,278.31. ($25,278.31 for advertising, publications and social media) and ($25,278.31 for installation of digital signs). Discussion included details on the line item request to re-create their website seen to be more cost effective than rebuilding the existing website, as well as increase the efficiency allowing in house updates. Conversation included comments on facility enhancements being made.
With reference to their request to fund $25,278.31 for installation of a digital sign to enhance their marquee, clarification was made that such a request was considered a capital improvement and as such was not considered an eligible funding category.
Kathleen Boswell presented on behalf of the Scott Joplin Festival. Their request totaled $26,050. Comments included ways in which new activities are being included in the annual festival, and ways in which new audiences are being reached (i.e. guests from Brazil – Rotary exchange couple), as well as Bill McNally’s connection with UCM will expand our Artist in Residence reach.
Carolyn Crooker presented on behalf of the Sedalia Convention & Visitors Bureau. Their request totaled $229,607.77. Comments included mention of the newly appointed CVB Public Relations Committee and their work to extend visitor stays. Questions regarding funding levels association with the Missouri Division of Tourism Matching Grant Program were clarified.
Deb Biermann presented on behalf of the Sedalia Katy Depot. Their request totaled $18,590.00. Comments referenced the 2019 request to be almost identical to the 2018 request. The line item for the Trails End Visitors Guide funded in 2018 reappears in the 2019 request because the project was not completed.
On motion by John Kehde, seconded by David Dick, unanimous approval was to awarding the following requests for funding: Missouri State Fair $82,936.00
Liberty Center $27,000.00
Scott Joplin Festival $ 26,050.00
CVB Marketing $127,075.00
CVB Administration $102,532.77
Katy Depot $18,590.00
Total $384,183.77
The ‘request for funding’ review portion of the meeting was adjourned and the business meeting called to order. In attendance were: Chuck Kempton, Erica Eisenmenger, David Dick, John Kehde and Tom Adermann; CVB: Kyle Herrick, Kevin Daniel, Linda Alcorn, Carolyn Crooker and Deb Biermann.
The two new members were welcomed: Tom Adermann filling the County appointee replacing Tom Munson due to his retirement from the lodgings business; and John Kehde filling the City appointee replacing Steve Galliher.
On motion by Erica Eisenmenger, seconded by Tom Adermann, minutes of the previous meeting held on January 24, 2018 were approved as submitted.
On motion by David Dick, seconded by Tom Adermann, the Commission approved the Lodgings Tax Report dated September 30, 2018. A copy was included in the agenda packet and is attached to the official minutes.
The report reflects $368,277.25 is held within the Deposit Only account; $142,540.08 is held in the checking account, and $126,522.05 is held in a certificate of deposit. As of August collections a total of $4248,820.53 has been received in lodgings tax revenue.
On motion by Tom Adermann, seconded by John Kehde, David Dick was appointed to fill the unexpired term (December 2018) as Vice President created by the resignation of Tom Munson. With this motion was approval to update the signature card that authorizes Chuck Kempton, David Dick and Erica Eisenmenger as authorized signatures.
The Commission was briefed on the status of delinquent payments. There is an ongoing issue in receiving payments from American Inn and Budget Inn prior to the deadline for penalty to be applied. Two emails and two certified letters have been sent without response. Tina Luper, as SATC attorney, was requested to draft a letter. Chuck will make contact with Tina to determine status of the letter.
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
--Submitted by Deborah Biermann