Nearly 700 of Missouri’s local municipal officials have gathered for the 88th Missouri Municipal League's annual conference at Margaritaville Lake Resort, located at 494 Tan Tara Estate Drive at Lake of the Ozarks.

Officials set the MML policy for the following year at the annual business meeting, in addition to many educational sessions that help local government officials successfully serve their community.

Topics include financial stewardship, cybersecurity, zoning and land use law, personnel law, opioid overdose prevention, leadership, and much more.

Many of Sedalia's City Council members are participating in the conference.

The MML Annual Conference Opening Reception was held Sunday evening.

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On Monday, Matt Lehrman, will deliver his keynote speech, “From Conflict to Conversation” followed by concurrent sessions

On Tuesday, the MML will hold its annual business meeting and adoption of the 2022-2023 Missouri Municipal Policy Statement, as well as elect new officers.

On Wednesday, the MML will hold its awards luncheon, present the MML Innovation Awards, and recognize Municipal Governance Institute Recipients.

Attending the conference from Sedalia are City Administrator Kelvin Shaw, Sedalia Mayor Andrew Dawson, First Ward Councilman Tom Oldham, Second Ward Councilman Chris Marshall, Mayor Pro TemTina Boggess, Fourth Ward Councilwoman Rhinnanon Foster and Fourth Ward Councilman Steve Bloess.

In the top photo: First Ward Councilman Tom Oldham takes part in a Missouri Municipal League’s podcast “Missouri City View” today with Laura Holloway, Communications and External Affairs Director for the Missouri Municipal League, on Sept. 1.

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