Sedalia Council Approves $112,00 Purchase of Items For New SPD HQ
Over $112,000 in spending for the new Sedalia Department Headquarters was approved by City Council Monday night, but City Administrator Kelvin Shaw noted that no tax dollars will be used for the three purchases recommended by the Public Safety Committee and okayed by Council members.
First up for consideration was $19,373.60 for physical fitness equipment at the new SPD. The supplier is Legend Fitness (Knoxville, Tenn.) and includes shipping and installation.
Donations of $2,500 have been received specifically for the equipment, and the remaining funds will come from seizure properties through the federal forfeiture program, Shaw explained.
Secondly, five six-foot safety bollards will be purchased for $2,247 through Septagon Construction to prevent drivers from crashing through the front entrance, said Councilwoman Megan Page. The committee felt that the cost is warranted to protect citizens and employees from an unlikely, but potentially deadly incident.
A bollard is defined as "a short, thick post on the deck of a ship or on a wharf, to which a ship's rope may be secured."
Thirdly, Council approved the purchase of furniture and accessories for the new police HQ through SAMCO Business Products (Jeff City) at a cost of $89,596.13, which is the lowest bid, staff reported. Shaw said that state surplus items were bought for pennies on the dollar. The bid is within budget and will buy good-quality furniture that should last several years.