Sedalia Regional Airport to Supply Jet Fuel for 2019 Wings Over Whiteman
Sedalia Regional Airport won the bid to supply jet fuel to Whiteman Air Force Base for their 2019 Wings Over Whiteman Air Show, scheduled for June 15-16.
Sedalia City Council members unanimously approved the agreement on Monday night. Airport Manager Eric Bowers said that while the air base purchased around 5,400 gallons two years ago for the same event, up to 7,000 gallons may be purchased this time. June 10 is the closing date for the contract agreement.
Other business involving the airport was the leasing of a hangar to Air Evac for a safe place to house their equipment while remodeling takes place at their base.
The agreement calls for a rental fee of $150 per month.
Also, three ordinances were passed dealing with updating rules and procedures for the airport, establishing minimum standards and an updated fee structure.
Council awarded a bid to Richard Helmig dba Helmig Farms to lease land contiguous to the airport for use as farmland by Helmig. The price agreed upon was $200 per acre.
The lease terms insure that the use of the area as farmland does not interfere with the operation of the airport, while preventing encroachment, and preserving "safe zones" and air space necessary for daily operations, it was explained.