SFCC Offers Free Summer Course To Every Graduating Senior In Taxing District
State Fair Community College has announced every high school student in SFCC’s tax district who earned their diploma this spring will receive one three-credit hour class tuition-free for the 2020 summer session that begins June 3.
The base tuition rate for in-district students is $115 per credit hour, thus saving students $345. In-district tuition applies to residents in these school districts: Cole Camp R-1, Green Ridge R-VII, La Monte R-IV, Lincoln R-11, Otterville R-VI, Pettis County R-12 at Dresden; Pettis County R-V at Hughesville/Houstonia, Sedalia 200, Smithton R-VI, and Warsaw R-IX.
“The Class of 2020 has missed that joyous conclusion of their high school experience, and we want to make it easier for them to refocus on their future and to continue their education,” said Dr. Joanna Anderson, college president. “We want students in our taxing district to get an early start on their college journey or, if they need help in choosing a career path, they can explore an area of study tuition-free.”
SFCC offers more than 70 transfer, career or technical associate degrees or short-term certificates in agriculture, business and computers, health sciences, human services, and industrial technology. Associate transfer degrees allow students to complete their first two years at SFCC before continuing to a four-year college or university to earn a bachelor’s degree.
SFCC navigators have contacted administrators at applicable high schools to make sure they are aware of this offer.
To be eligible, students must have graduated from a high school within the college’s tax district this spring, completed an application for admission, and filed their FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid).
Prospective students may apply online free at www.sfccmo.edu/admissions. For assistance, email admissions@sfccmo.edu or call (660) 530-5833.