Missouri is known for mysterious creatures including Bigfoot, Mo-Mo, Sasquatch among others. But, did you know that the smelliest monster of them all exists somewhere in the Ozarks right across the Missouri border according to legends?
We've all been there. You hear a sound outside of your home at night. You go to look outside to see what's going on. That scenario played out for one Missouri family who were frozen in fear when they went to look out of a window to see what made a sound only to realize that something was staring right back at them.
It's been said many times that what you don't know can't hurt you. That might be true in some instances, but not this one. If you're like me and don't want to know that there really are scorpions in Missouri, you do need to know that they can hurt you.
It's one thing to be a mythical creature hiding somewhere in the Missouri forest. It's yet another to be a mythical creature getting caught peeking in a bedroom window which is exactly what happened according to a story shared by a guy in Missouri recently.
Big Brothers Big Sisters has announced that a cellophane-wrapped marijuana brick with a street value of $3,000 has been found in a Springfield donation bin.
A southwest Missouri man is charged with rape or attempted rape after authorities say he raped two mentally handicapped women at Ozark Mountain Regional Healthcare.