This is one of the more rewarding series we have on our blogs, in my opinion.  It's always good to have a positive story. And this week's Teacher of the Week definitely has a tale to tell.  It's one of sadness and also determination, and a real dedication to teaching.


This is Alex Smith. Here's the testimonial given anonymously to nominate her.

Alex Smith is a 4th Grade teacher at Parkview Elementary. This past Monday she was woken up by her dog to her rental house burning. She was lucky enough to get out but only had time to grab her purse and her dog. Her keys were left in the kitchen along with the spare set in the drawer next to the sink leaving her no car to drive. This all happened on late Sunday evening early Monday morning. Everything in the house was ruined and was a total loss. This incredibly strong woman was back to school on Tuesday wanting to teach her students and support them as they had started to take the MAP test this last week. Even during this incredibly hard time she was going through, she still came to school to support her students. She is one amazing teacher!

Wow, first of all, that dog should get like, a whole bag of treats.  Secondly, that's someone that knows what they love and puts it first.  As someone who has been affected by fire burning your place down, you feel like the whole world was just taken from you.  But, I know that going back to work helped me, because what else was I going to do, sit around my sister's house and mope? It definitely helped me get a little bit closer to normal, and I bet that was the same for Alex. I'm sure she knew how important her job is, and it needed her as much as she needed it.  Congratulations on being an awesome teacher who goes above and beyond in the face of adversity.

Teachingly yours,


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