Tips for a Socially Distanced Garage or Yard Sale
Just because we're dealing with the coronavirus, doesn't mean it won't be a summer of garage and yard sales.In fact I've already seen signs for them. So what do you need to do in the COVID-19 era to have a safe garage and yard sale?
Here are some tips from Johnson County Community Health's Facebook page:
- Limit the number of people at your sale to ten or less at one time.
- Space tables and merchandise out for proper social distancing, and then remind browsers at your sale to keep six feet between them and other customers.
- Disinfect tables, counters, areas you have merchandise on frequently.
- Have hand sanitizer for your browsers and customers.
- Keep the sale in your garage or yard, don't have any aspect of the sale inside your home.
I'd also add, wear a mask. I know a lot of ya don't want to hear that. But unless you've just gotten your coronavirus test results. Or have been tested for the antibodies associated with the coronavvirus. You don't know if your healthy or asymptomatic. Wearing the mask will keep you from spreading it if you've got COVID-19 and are asymptomatic.
Follow these suggestions and have a great garage sale.