Wear Red For Women Gifts AEDs to Three Sedalia Hotels
Members of Wear Red for Women, a Bothwell Foundation committee, recently gave automated external defibrillators (AED) to three Sedalia hotels including Comfort Inn at 3600 W. Broadway Blvd., Holiday Inn at 4001 W. Broadway Blvd. and Hampton Inn at 3909 W. 9th Street.
An AED is a small, lightweight device that allows individuals and first responders to treat sudden cardiac arrest, which is when the heart unexpectedly stops beating. Having an AED nearby allows a bystander to deliver defibrillation to the victim in three to five minutes. The machine automatically analyzes the heart rhythm and when appropriate, it delivers an electrical shock to the heart to restore its normal rhythm.
Funds to purchase the device were raised during the 2023 Wear Red for Women luncheon and auction. The committee’s goal is to have AEDs in every place people work, learn, play or pray in Sedalia and Pettis County.
Since the inception of the luncheon event in 2020, 72 AEDs have been placed in or committed to various locations. The 2024 Wear Red for Women event is Feb. 23, 2024, and tickets will be available in January
Comfort Inn
From left, Rhonda Ahern, Trish Henson and Connie McLaughlin, committee members; Dianne Simon, Thompson Hills Investment Corporation vice president and committee co-chair; Mykel Schlotterbeck, Comfort Inn owner; Lori Wightman, Bothwell CEO and committee co-chair; Lauren Thiel-Payne, Bothwell Foundation executive director; Susan Mergen, Robin Balke and Lisa Irwin, committee members.
Holiday Inn
From left, Lisa Irwin, Trish Henson and Susan Mergen, committee members; Lori Wightman, Bothwell CEO and committee co-chair; Victoria McGee, Holiday Inn front desk clerk; Lauren Thiel-Payne, Bothwell Foundation executive director; Rhonda Ahern and Robin Balke, committee members.
Hampton Inn
From left, Lauren Thiel-Payne, Bothwell Foundation executive director; Trish Henson, committee member; Victoria McGuire, Hampton Inn front desk clerk; Susan Mergen, committee member; Lori Wightman, Bothwell CEO and committee co-chair; Robin Balke and Rhonda Ahern and Lisa Irwin, committee members.
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