Today I took my family and dog to Dairy Queen at its old location, I'm told it is closing down and the new one will be open this week.  While the saying, bigger is better, definetely applies to this change there will always be a sentimental place of the old Dairy Queen location.   One of my fondest memories is being able to park the car and walk up to the window to get your favorite flavor, which to me has to be the Peanut Buster Parfait or Oreo Blizzard, but I lean towards the Parfait.   Once when my wife was pregnant with my son, we went up with my dog Rocket and lots of kids came up and wanted to pet the little puppy.  At that time Rocket was 2 or 3, but being a dauchsand, he always looks small.  Then there is the memory of the times I'd take the kids and get their favorites and they would love waiting in line to figure out what they wanted. One thing, I learned after the doggy dive at the Sedalia Pool,   dogs can get a doggy cone and so I took our dog for the ice cream and he devoured it!    Perhaps the line is one thing I won't miss as the new location looks to have more parking, plus the drive thru goes all the way around the new store.    Regardless I think it was great the management had an alumni day to say goodbye to the old digs and hello to the new ones.  I for one am excited to have the full menu and I'm told even breakfast,  is it ever too early to have a Blizzard, and what flavor Blizzard goes with biscuits and gravy, I hope to find out soon:)   Until that visit,  so long old Dairy Queen and thanks for the memories and welcome to the new one for those memories to come!

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