The 4-H and FFA On-Foot Barrow Show was the main event at the Swine Pavilion on Day Two of the 2020 Missouri State Fair.

The north arena featured 4-H members while the south arena featured FFA. Each was crowded with spectators, exhibitors, swine photographers and swine judges.

The other big show on Friday was the Weather Dam Lamb Show at the Sheep Pavilion.

At 5 p.m. was the judging contest at the Swine Pavilion. And at noon, the venue hosted an auction featuring the 2020 Grand Champion Ham and Bacon.

Tomorrow's events include a Breeding Sheep Show (4-H at 8 a.m., FFA at 1 p.m.), a Charolais Show and a Hereford Show.

The Youth Livestock Show runs through Aug. 23. For more information, visit

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