Funeral Announcements for October 4, 2023
Memorial service for Janella Juleen Chavez, 26, of Sedalia will be held on Saturday, Oct. 7 at 3 pm. at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses; 2810 East Broadway Blvd, Sedalia. Graveside service will be at Crown Hill on Monday, Oct. 9 for family and friends. Arrangements are under the care of Heckart Funeral Home.
A private family graveside celebration of life service for Ronnie Eugene Newbill, 61, Sedalia, will be held on Saturday, Oct. 14, at 12 p.m. at Crown Hill Cemetery.
Funeral service for Joanna Lahvie Walker, 89, of Sedalia, will be held at 12 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 5 at Rea Funeral Chapel. Burial will be at Missouri Veterans Cemetery in Higginsville.
Funeral service for Timothy John "Tim John" Grimsley, 63, of Sedalia, formerly Johnson County, Kan., will be held on Saturday, Oct. 7 with Visitation at 11 a.m. and the Memorial at 12 p.m. at Rea Funeral Chapel.
Graveside service for Timothy Edward Busing, 56, of Cole Camp, will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 8 at Memorial Cemetery near Cole Camp. Arramgements are in care of Fox Funeral Home.
The family of James Edward Kreisel, 71, of Cole Camp, will receive friends beginning at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 7 at Fox Funeral Home in Cole Camp with funeral services to begin at 4 p.m. Burial will be in Cole Camp Cemetery near Cole Camp with military honors by the United States Army Honor Guard and American Legion Post 305 of Cole Camp.