Girl Scout Cookies Now Available For Sale
Girl Scout cookies arrived in Sedalia Thursday afternoon.
They're $6 a box and you can order as many boxes as you'd like by calling Charlotte Scholl at (660) 287-2053 or stop by 2400 South Quincy.
The “Cookie Cupboard” opens next weekend, Scholl said.
These are the flavors that are available locally in 2024:
Adventurefuls: brownie caramel cookie
Caramel deLites/Samoas: cookie crisp featuring caramel, chocolate drizzle, and coconut
Do-Si-Dos: ( peanut butter sandwiches) oatmeal with peanut butter filling
Lemonades: shortbread with lemon icing
Peanut Butter Patties/Tagalongs: peanut butter cookie covered in chocolate
Thin Mints: chocolate cookie with mint-chocolate coating
Toast-Yay!: French toast flavor with icing
Trefoils: original shortbread cookie
Girl Scout cookies
Gallery Credit: Charlotte Scholl
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