The Pettis County Jail has received numerous reports from residents getting scam calls from the "Public Defender's Office."

The caller is reportedly telling people that their grandson has been involved in an accident and subsequently arrested for DUI. The Caller ID is being spoofed to show the call is being made from the Pettis County Jail. The caller then asks for the resident to call another number to arrange for payment of bond.

The Pettis County Sheriff's Department is reminding everyone that these calls are scams and not originating from the Pettis County Jail. The sheriff's office says as with other types of scams, do not be drawn in by unsollicited calls asking for personal information or demanding payment from you.

Pettis County Sheriff's Deputies are investigating.

For questions about the scam or other criminal activity, call the Pettis County Sheriff's Office at 660-827-0052.

Randy Kirby
Randy Kirby

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