Pettis County Considers County Ordinance, Host Agreement for Solid Waste Disposal
Pettis County issued the following press release on Wednesday morning:
After numerous conversations with landowners, citizens, and stakeholders within the County, Pettis County has taken those concerns into consideration and is in the process of developing an Ordinance regulating solid waste disposal in the County and is negotiating a Host Agreement (“Agreement”) with Pettis County Development Company, LLC (“Presidio”) for consideration.
Presidio plans to submit an application to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (“MDNR”) for a Solid Waste Disposal Area Operating and Construction Permit to construct and operate a Solid Waste Materials Repository within Pettis County.
The Agreement would be conditioned upon Presidio receiving an Operating Permit from MDNR, which sets forth significant requirements for the operation of a Solid Waste Materials Repository location.
Pettis County believes that the Agreement would be advantageous for the County based on several considerations, including, the County’s dedication to limit the amount of regulations on businesses within the county, respecting citizens’ rights to conduct business and own land within the County and have their opinions heard, and the expertise and knowledge held by MDNR in considering applications for Operating and Construction Permits.
While reviewing these considerations, Pettis County gained input from the community regarding Material Repositories. During these discussions, it was clear that the citizens of the County did not want to impose Planning and Zoning restrictions across the entire County. While the County Commission considered other options, the Commission determined that MDNR has the technical expertise, experience, and ability to regulate these types of Repositories without imposing additional regulations on the citizens of the County.
Based on the will of the citizens of Pettis County, the Agreement was revealed as the best path forward to address concerns relating to odor, noise, litter, and setback requirements with Materials Repositories. The County is in the process of preparing an Ordinance relating to future Material Repositories and Solid Waste Facilities in the County. The purpose of the Ordinance is to establish local rules and regulations to Solid Waste Facilities and landfills in Pettis County.
As an ongoing goal for Pettis County, the County Commission strives to identify and implement new revenue streams for the County without imposing new taxes upon the citizens. This Agreement demonstrates how industry and the County can work together for sustainable environmental and financial solutions that benefit both entities. The Agreement anticipates a per ton Host Fee that will be paid to the County in exchange for the County not assessing certain additional taxes, charges, levies, assessments, fees, special fees, and other charges allowed by law.
The Host Fee will be assessed upon each ton of Solid Waste disposed at Presidio’s future Materials Repository in Pettis County and will provide Pettis County the certainty afforded by the income of the Host Fee in lieu of potential payments from any additional charges. In addition, the Agreement provides for an Annual Clean-up Day for disposal privileges without charge for solid household waste. Additionally, the Agreement will impose limitations on Presidio from violations of litter, noise, and odor pursuant to an agreed-upon Operating Plan and seeks to establish certain set back requirements for occupied residential dwellings and properties lines.
A copy of the proposed Ordinance and proposed Host Agreement will be made available for review by the public prior to consideration by the County Commission.
If any individual has any questions regarding the proposed Ordinance or Host Fee Agreement they are urged to contact 1-660-826-5000 (ext. 410).
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