Update: The Governor announced in his daily COVID-19 briefing that the State Fair would be held this year on it's scheduled dates from August 13 - August 23. Following the announcement the Missouri State Fair released it's own news update confirming plans will continue for the State Fair. According to the news update: 

 The Fair will look differently than previous years. The mission of our Fair has always been to showcase Missouri agriculture, so our livestock shows will continue to honor that tradition. Details for our vendors, sponsors, and other partners are still being determined.

The statement released by the State Fair only confirms that the ag part of the fair is confirmed. Whether or not concerts, the carnival, vendors and other parts of the fair happen still hasn't been decided. 

Sate Senator Cindy O'Loughlin posted on her Facebook page that the Missouri State Fair will happen this year. "Hot off the press. We ARE having a state fair. Some of the vendors may not show up, same with the concerts. So what....have it anyway!!!!"

We have reached out to the Missouri State Fair for comment and will update this story as developments warrant.

Missouri going ahead with their state fair would buck a Midwest trend that has seen Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Indiana all cancel their state fairs. Iowa is notable since their fair was scheduled to run concurrently with the Missouri State Fair. You can read more on cancelled state fairs from USA Today here.


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