Vote on Alley Abandonment Tabled
The Sedalia City Council recognized Cemetery Director Roger Waters on Monday night for 35 years of faithful service to the City of Sedalia.
Waters began his service as a firefighter in 1986 and became cemetery director in August of 2009.
Sedalia Fire Chief Greg Harrell presented the Firefighter of the Year Award to Colby Snapp.
Retirement awards went to Alice Kemp after 37 years, six months of service in Human Resources, and to Mark Dawson for 27 years, four months of service in Sanitation.
A public hearing was held to allow for comments about a proposed change in City Code regarding the preliminary and final platting fee process, which was considered contradictory in the language of the ordinance.
Under Finance and Administration, Council approved a budget amendment to pay $4,500 annually for the cost of court-appointed attorneys for those defendants who cannot afford them when jail time is a possibility in the sentence if convicted. The court-appointed attorney would be compensated $300 per case. In years past, the City has incurred costs of $3,000 to $4,000 for those services, it was noted.
Council adopted an ordinance that repeals all past ordinances regarding job descriptions and authorizes staff to maintain job descriptions going forward. This was done to speed up the process when a change in a job description was necessary. There were however three no votes cast by Council members Bob Cross, Rhiannon Foster and Andrew Dawson.
Council suspended the City's open container law for a Sedalia Lions Club event scheduled for this fall. Staff has met with the organizers to review plans and coordinate activities.
Under Public Safety, Council approved a records destruction request from the Sedalia Police Department Administrative Support Bureau.
Council also approved the purchase of six patrol car laptop computers at a cost of $34,052 through Turn-Key Mobile Inc. (Jefferson City).
Council agreed to a cost-sharing program with Pettis County and PCAD to provide information through the Missouri Uniform Law Enforcement System (MULES) to use in joint communications. Pettis County has agreed to reimburse the City for 50 percent of the cost.
The Sedalia Tabernacle, 23299 Route B, was officially annexed into the City of Sedalia Monday night and zoned for C-3 Commercial use. Petitions were submitted April 13 by Zakhariy Iziota and Vitaliy Shimko regarding two parcels of land.
Council approved an ordinance that removed all references to commercial solid waste collection and commercial recycling services by the City of Sedalia in Chapter 48 of the City Code of Ordinances. The ordinance also amended the rate for monthly services on duplexes.
Council rejected a bid for chlorine analyzers for the City's Water Division. One bid was received from HD Supply dba USA Blue Book for $24,766.20 for four units. It was noted that a separate controller would be necessary to buy for each unit, so that the analyzer could communicate with the City's supervisory control and data acquisition system, resulting in additional cost and maintenance over time.
The Water Division will continue to research the availability of alternate analyzers and re-bid the project at a later date.
Council approved a change order for $13,910 from Engineering Surveys and Service for additional services under an existing agreement for 2018 Water Systems Contract #3.
Council approved the final change orders for the Sedalia Rail Spur extending the final completion date for unsuitable soil work (Phillips Hardy) and also extending the completion date for the rail spur from March 2 to April 8 (Capital Railroad Contracting, Inc.).
Council approved the application for a TRIM Grant through Missouri Department of Conservation.
Under Community Development, Council okayed a replat of the Rancho Merieta Addition for an area east of 16th and Marshall, for lots 3, 4, 5 and 6. The idea is to make the lots more marketable and in line with current residential trends. Planning and Zoning Approved the replat May 4.
Council accepted a warranty deed for property located at 119 West Main.
Council tabled a vote on an ordinance vacating the alley at 111 West 5th and 108 West Sixth, and retaining permanent utility easements through the alley in favor of existing utilities. The owners of the property, Liberty Center Association for the Arts, LLC, are planning to construct an outdoor performing area behind Liberty Center. Owners of State Fair Floral expressed concerns about the proposal, reference access to weekly trash pickup and deliveries to the back side of businesses on the west side of the 500 block of South Ohio. They asked for more time to gather information and come up with a resolution by the next Council meeting, which is June 21.
In other Council news, Dr. Paul Bassettt was appointed to the Bothwell Regional Health Center Board of Trustees for a four-year term ending June 2025.
Byron Matson was appointed to the Tree Board for a three-year-term
ending June 2024.
Kim Graves was appointed to the Police Personnel Board.
Becky Imhauser and john Simmons were appointed to the Sedalia Historic Preservation Commission.
Byron Matson, Michelle Franklin and Reva Woodward were appointed to the Sedalia Public Library Board.
Dru Bloess and Kevin Wade were appointed to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
Ann Adams dba Sedalia Lions Club, 1410 South Missouri, was granted a picnic license (liquor) for $37.50.
Steve Swafford dba Greliner Sales & Services, 1510 Henry, was granted a wholesale liquor license renewal for $300.