Pettis County voters turned out in great numbers for the 2018 midterm election on Tuesday.

According to Nick LaStrada, Pettis County Election Authority, voter turnout was 57.44 percent. There are 26,488 registered voters in Pettis County, and there were 15,215 ballots cast.

"This was the busiest midterm ever in Pettis County. It was like a presidential election," he commented Tuesday evening just before ballots started flooding into the Pettis County Courthouse.  All votes were completely tabulated by 8:50 p.m. with all 18 precincts reporting.

LaStrada and his team observed numerous polling places across the county on Tuesday. He said many times, he saw over 50 people voting at once. More tables were brought to the Celebration Center to accommodate Pettis County voters.

Absentee votes, which were counted first once the polls closed, were about the same number-wise as 2016, LaStrada noted.

The Pettis County Clerk's office has until noon Friday to verify the election with the Secretary of State's office.  According to the SOS, there are 4,213,092 registered voters in Missouri as of Monday. According to unofficial results, statewide voter turnout was 57.9 percent.

Highlights from the final results out of Pettis County are as follows:


US Senator:

Republican Josh Hawley, 10,048 - 66.56%
Democrat Claire McCaskill, 4,444 - 29.44%

State Auditor:

Republican Saundra McDowell, 8,784 - 59.25%
Democrat Nicole Galloway, 5,196 - 35.05%

US Rep District 4:

Republican Vicky Hartzler, 10,370 - 69%
Democrat Renee Hoagenson, 4,270 - 28.06%

State Senator District 28:

Republican Sandy Crawford, 10,942 - 74.2%
Democrat Joe Poor, 3,785 - 25.67%

State Rep District 48:

Republican Dave Muntzel, 1,151 - 84.2%
Democrat Raymond (Jeff) Faubion, 216 - 15.8%

State Rep District 51:

Republican Dean Dohrman, 1106 - 80.32%
Democrat Vince Lutterbie, 236 - 17.14%

State Rep District 52:

Republican Bradley Pollitt, 7,109 - 71.66%
Democrat Dan Marshall, 2,798 - 28.2%

State Rep District 54:

Republican Dan Haux, 1,739 - 79.88%
Democrat James A. Williams, 434 - 19.94%

Circuit Judge Circuit 18:

Republican Robert L. Koffman, unopposed, 13,104 - 98.48%.

Associate Judge Division 5:

Republican Paul Beard, unopposed - 13,107 - 98.51%

Associate Judge Division 6:

Republican Jeff Mittelhauser, unopposed, 12,763 - 97.85%

Presiding Commissioner:

Republican David Dick, unopposed, 12,853 - 98.62%

County Clerk:

Republican Nick LaStrada, unopposed, 13,137 - 98.71%

Clerk of the Circuit Court:

Republican Susan Sadler, unopposed,13,061 - 99.01%

Prosecuting Attorney:

Republican Phillip J. Sawyer, unopposed - 12,749 - 98.51%

County Auditor:

Republican Beverly K. Dillon, $12,946 - 99%

Recorder of Deeds:

Republican Barbara Clevenger, 12,940 - 99.04%

County Collector: 

Republican Marsha Boeschen, 13,218 - 99.08%


Retain Judge W. Brent Powell to the Supreme Court

Yes - 10,812 - 79.47%
No - 2,793 - 20.53%

Retain Judge Mary Rhodes Russell to the Supreme Court

Yes - 19,386 - 76.44%

No - 3,201 - 23.56%

Retain Judge Edward R. Ardini to the Western District

Yes - 10,133 - 75.19%

No - 3,344 - 24.81%


Amendment 1

Yes - 8,544 - 57.84%

No - 6,229 - 42.16%

Amendment 2

Yes - 9,248 - 61.67%

No - 5,748 - 38.33%

Amendment 3

Yes - 4,068 - 27.34%

No - 10,809 - 72.66%

Amendment 4

Yes - 7,460 - 51.75%

No - 6,955 - 48.25%


Prop B

Yes - 8,149 - 54.60%

No - 6,775 - 45.40%

Prop C

Yes - 5,530 - 37.24%

No - 9,319 - 62.76%

Prop D

Yes - 7,194 - 48.17%

No - 7,742 - 51.83%

City of La Monte Question 1

Yes - 75 - 32.33%

No - 157 - 67.67%

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