Warrensburg Council Ponders Change in Medical Marijuana Use Ordinance
The Warrensburg City Council discussed amending the city's ordinance pertaining to medical marijuana use on Monday night.
On Nov. 6, Missouri voters passed an amendment to the Missouri Constitution which will allow medical marijuana in Missouri. The amendment passed with 66% in favor in Missouri and an average of 67% in favor across the three Warrensburg precincts.
The specific text of Amendment 2 places several parameters on the location, placement, and licensing of four types of marijuana related land uses; medical marijuana dispensaries, medical marijuana cultivation facilities, medical marijuana-infused products manufacturing facilities, and medical marijuana testing facilities.
At their Dec. 3rd meeting, the Warrensburg Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the ordinance. P & Z also voted to ask City Council to consider restricting the number of licenses allowed for each of the four categories of facilities.
Much of the discussion focused on the distance such facilities could exist in proximity to other dispensaries, churches, schools and parks. Staff will compile maps by the Council's next meeting on Jan. 14.
In addition, due to unique safety and security concerns, outdoor cultivation facilities
would require a Conditional Use Permit.
City Manager Harold Stewart indicated to Council that there was no time requirement on amending Chapter 27 of the city ordinance. There was no second reading of the proposed ordinance and the Council will take up the matter in January.
“Our goal is to be as unrestrictive as possible,” Stewart noted, adding that he wants to see Warrensburg benefit economically from the change.
Warrensburg Mayor Danielle Johnston asked how a marijuana dispensary would legally compare to a pharmacy, to which Community Development Director Barbara Carroll replied “the exact same.”
Councilwoman Robin Allen was absent from Monday night's meeting.